
主要: 海洋生物学
小: 化学


While in middle school I had a science teacher recommend a science summer camp to me after noticing how I enjoyed his class. My main memory from the camp has always been from when I was working in the stream catching and categorizing the organisms. It wasn't for a few years that I learned I could turn my passion for the water into a career with marine biology. I added the chemistry minor after taking two chemistry courses in high school that I really enjoyed, along with giving a presentation in the second class about how chemistry related to marine biology, which made me realize how well they work together.

How has what you've learned prepared you for your future?

My chemistry classes have expanded on the techniques I learned in high school as well as taught me so many new things that I will be using in a job after I graduate. 在生物学之间, 英语 还有化学课程, I feel more confident when working on research in the lab and when writing scientific papers on any experiments and their results.

What opportunities have you had to work closely with a faculty member and what impact has that had on your education?

The smaller classes have been great at making connections with the professors. It makes it so easy to ask questions during the class and being able to get to know people who have more experience in my field. One of the best examples of this was with my advisor, Dr. 罗伯特·布伦. With marine biology being a difficult two years with the classes I have to take here, 他在那里帮助我解答任何问题. Whether it was a scheduling conflict or a small question, he was always quick to help me solve anything and reassure me that everything was going to work out. Knowing there are faculty who are able to work closely and make sure the students here are ok has really made me feel like I am welcomed and belong at Carroll.

What's a unique experience you've had relating to the coursework for your major?

The most unique experience for marine biology is the partnership with 夏威夷 Pacific University in Honolulu, 瓦胡岛, 夏威夷. During the two years spent at Carroll, I am finishing my 数学, 英语 and basic science courses in chemistry, biology and 物理. 一次在檀香山, 我将学习海事专业课程, along with hands-on experience in the ocean and in labs.

How has Carroll enriched your growth as a person outside of the skills you're learning in the classroom?

I have also been able to work on classes and activities related to my chemistry minor. I have loved chemistry for a few years and while at Carroll I have a job in the chemistry department, 同时也是化学小组的一员 俱乐部 在校园. 通过俱乐部, I have been able to volunteer and help teach younger kids chemistry and how to have fun with it while staying safe. I have also had a weekly radio show with WCCX, 校园广播, which has made me more confident with public speaking after talking on air. Through these two 俱乐部s I have been able to meet people who have a wide range of majors, but are all able to come together with our similar interests.

If you were recommending your major to a prospective student, what would you tell them?

There is a lot of work to do in the two years at Carroll with the classes, but as long as you commit and put in the time with homework and studying, 这不会是一场斗争. Take advantage of the resources available to help with studying and you'll do fine. It may seem like a lot of work and classes in two years, but the time goes by quickly and before you know it it'll be your last semester at Carroll and the work will pay off. +, 辛苦工作之后, the payoff is moving to 夏威夷 to finish the degree, 那么辛苦的工作就值得了吗.

Are you happy with your choice to attend 博天堂官方入口登陆登录?

我在这里过得很愉快. I've meet so many amazing people who I get to call my close friends, and made connections with faculty that even after two years since being in their class, they still check in and are see how I'm doing. 小班教学一直是一个梦想, since it gives you the opportunity to meet with the professors one-on-one for extra help and any questions from class.

Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录?

Don't be afraid of the work you'll have to do while in classes. The time flies and the work won't be as bad as you imagine it. Make sure you set time to study and do homework during the day so your night won't be just homework. One last thing I can say, make sure to take breaks, even during finals, to give yourself a rest. A great thing to do during those breaks is to walk either around campus or 走市区 and explore the river walk and downtown shops. The fresh air is a great thing to clear your head, 这个地区很漂亮,可以四处走走, 尤其是离学校这么近.

Learn more about the Marine Sciences program

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